
Monday, December 13, 2010


being bold and ignorance
and still
with no self-conscious

contest manisnya senyuman

Syarat-syarat penyertaan senang je.
klik sana, klik sini, copy paste, taip-taip sikit = selesai ^_^

  1. Buat entry bertajuk CONTEST MANISNYA SENYUMAN
  2. Letak BANNER contest di dalam entry dan link kan ke blog ini.
  3. Letak satu gambar yang penuh dengan senyuman.[gambar beramai-ramai. min 3 orang]
  4. Bina satu ayat kreatif tentang gambar berkenaan.
  5. Tag 2 blog yang lain.
  6. Tinggalkan link entry anda di ruangan komen.
[tak perlu follow dan letak banner di sidebar]

Tarikh tutup : 1 Januari 2011
ditukar kepada 20 Disember 2010

everyone, let's smile~ and smile~ just whoever, whenever wherever u r~
piece of cake~ kan? =D

Farizah & Fikah Mus,, anda di persilakan..

Friday, December 03, 2010

qayyimah & taqwa pnye pasal =P

sebenar-benar nye,, da penah buat da dulu macam ni,,
kat sini ha,, tp x pe la,, buat je la lagi sekali.. XD

"Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts or goals about you. In the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tags you. If I tag you, it’s because I want to know you more."

1. a game maniac,, penah maen game, non-stop 5-6...
not 5pm-6pm,, but 5pm-6am..
p/s: solat x dilupakan ok,, jgn risau...

2. a movie and drama maniac too,,
penah abiskan semua 11 ep buzzer beat dari kol 5pm-11pm..

3. love to sing,, walaupon suara x sedap,,
tp redah je jugak.. haha~~
sori le rumet2 ku sekalian..

4. have loose mouth, kadang2,,
eh bukan kadang2,SELALU nye pape je yg terlintas dlm otak akan terkeluar direct,,
bang~!! mesti ad yg terasa... maaf,, x berniat nk sakitkan ati pon sbnonye..
maaf la pd sape2 yg penah terasa tu ek? m(_ _)m

5. lpe lak,, PURPLE maniac,, ngehehe~~~
purple + hitam = sgt cool~~~~
gothic kan? dalam almari tu semua baju warna itam purple.. hew~ hew~!

6. ad mulut yg masin jugak,,
kwn2 sekola dulu selalu marah kalo ad ckp pape yg x bpe nk elok,
sbb kdg2 bende tu akan jd realiti...
tp nk wat camne,, just lucky guesses, i guess..

7. x ske buat pilihan..
entah la,, kadang2 malas nk fikir, main redah je la jwb nye..
urmmm,, not good~ not good~

8. susah nk cam orang,, lagi2 kalo bru kenal,
dan kalo dr jauh, mmg x kan cam sape owg yg melambai or tegur tu..
senyum je la wpon xtau tu sape.. haha~~!

9. buta jalan,, ni inheret dari abah,,
susah sgt nk engat bab2 jalan ni, wpon da pegi berpuluh2 kali,
tetap lupe.. huuuuu~~

10. tgi x sampai 150cm pon,,
cbe teka berapa? hahahaha~~~!!! XD

11. ad 2 org adik lelaki kembar,
skang form 3, tgh tgu result pmr dgn santai dan senang hati nye..

12. lagi,, accesories maniac,
rings, bangles... got tons of those..

13. ok, half way to go..
now im bored already.. ~got easily bored~

14. cooking~? urmmm,, mcm2 jugak la..
dan jugak masih lagi dalam proses belajar,,
tp kire nye da bole idop la berbekalkan ilmu memasak yg ad tuh..

15. kalo dah ske pd sesuatu bende/aktiviti tu,
akan asek nk buat, atau dengar, atau makan atau pape yg sewaktu dgn nye la,
bende yg sme, hari2, tiap2 kali sepanjang msa, sampai bosan/muak..

16. boros, entah la.. rse nye mcm xde beli pape,
tp duit cepat sgt abes..
p/s: ye ke xde beli pape..? urmmm, masalah nye => i dunno~

17. i love computers and all regarding it,,
sgt teringin nk belajar hacking der~~~
cam seronok je~

18. doesnt really know to express myself,,
most time when i am angry or sad, i just remain silent,
or peretend to be happy though it's hurt inside..

19. cat maniac,, but the truth is that
now i am allergic to them,
touch them and dont wash my hand properly,,
itchiness will crawl all over esp on my face
plus non-stop sneezing..

20. i drive quite fast and a lil' bit daring,
but the truth is, i am afraid to cut the line..
whenever im on long distance journey,, i'll always pray that there'll be no lorry in front..
haha~!! chicken~ XD

21. i hate it whenever there's an annoying person around,
well, basically everybody's hate that kan,, and the truth is i am a good pretender,
still can mix around, laughing and joking all along very very cheerfully with them,
yea~ yea~ hypocrite whatsoever,,
but if not so it'll hurt them and peace will never come dude~

22. love to joke and fool around very much,
pranks are my game to my buddies,
but not that bad till the extend of worst i guess,,
i still know my limit,, but still i apologise sincerely
to those who've been hurt with my pranks and silly jokes and all the kelintong.. sorry~ m(_ _)m

23. truthfully, sorry is the hardest word,
susah nk dgr perkataan tu keluar dari mulut,,
too much for egoistic?
hmmmm, kne ubah perangai ni jugak~

24. i love meeting people,
yea, not always but often la.. seronok gak dpt borak2 sembang2 kongsi2 kan,
it is hard to initiate, but then it'll be ok in no time,
once my friend labeled me as 'universal solvent'
kan pok cek kan? adakah ak still di label begitu?

25. yatta~! da abis~~!!!
urmmmm, urmmm~~~~ hmmmm~~~
are my feveret quotes~
=> "urrmmmmm~~~"

phew~ finally~~~
siap gak~
malas nk tag sape2...
kak qay, kak taq, dah kenal Su'aidah Aisyah Binti Md. Yusoff ni dgn lebih mendalam x?
hehe~~ =D

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

my hols schedule




girls outing,

tv show,




Monday, November 15, 2010

xde koje~~~ =P


1. Open this website :

2. Take the Personality Quiz (it's VERY short and easy, really)

3. Copy Paste the result to Facebook.

4. Tag 15 of your friends including me :)

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

The Name I Loved (out of boredom, so here it is again =P)


  1. Put your music library on shuffle.
  2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
  3. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough.
  4. Ok, go!
  5. When you're done, tag at least 20 people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the Title of your note.

1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” you say

Thank You - 2PM

2. How would you describe yourself?

Wings - Infinite

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?

I My Me Mine - 4Minute

4. How do you feel today?

Comeback AGAIN - Infinite

5. What is your life’s purpose?

V.I.U (VEry Important U) - Beast

6. What's your motto?

Space - 2PM

7. What do your friends think of you?

Breathe - Beast

8. What do you think of your parents?

She's Back - Infinite

9. What do you think about very often

Without U - 2PM

10. What is 2 + 2?

I cant - 2PM

11. What do you think of your best friend(s)?

Nagging - IU ft. Seulong 2AM (ops~~ =P)

12. What do you think of the person you like?

High Fly - Jonghyun & Minhyuk (CN Blue)

13. What is your life story?

Lucifer - SHINee (OH EMM GEE~~~!!!!!)

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Kanashimi no Yukue - Xiah Junsu (ntah~!)

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?

Like Crazy - 2AM

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?

Special - Beast

17. What will they play at your funeral?

Shut Up!! - u-kiss (LOLOLOL!!!)

18. What is your biggest fear?

My Style - Brown Eyed Girls

19. What is your biggest secret?

Last Luv - MBLAQ

20. What will you post this as?

The Named I Loved - Onew (SHINee) ft. Minwoo

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Fulamak Ai~~!!!!

cun siot~~~~!!!!
lagi2 warne puteh... fuh~!!!

dan yg paling cun sekali: harge diye...
bakal dibeli mse dpt jpa kali ke-6..
dalam mimpi je laaaaaa... huhuu~~~

p/s: abah kata, "nanti ko keje esok lagi mcm2 jenis kete yg ad,, doktor dpt elaun kete,, mse tu ko beli je la pape pon jenis yg ko nk, kan senang.."
sy kata, "baiklah abah.. haha~!!! =P"

Friday, October 22, 2010

L untuk Lembab.. Duh~~

sejak dua menjak ni,,
laptop ni dah jadi lembab..
kadang2 bukan setakat lembab,, basah dah pon..
nk kata disk storage penoh,, xde la penoh sgt pon...
x caye? tgk ni...
haha~~ ok pe tu,,
C: ad free 6.79GB of 48.7GB
D: ad free18.9GB of 97.6GB
E: ad free 3.51GB of 151GB
nak kata ape lagi,,, dulu mne penah ad byk2 free storage cenggini sume,,,
dulu merah je memanjang... skang ni,, ad biru tu kira ok r tu..

tapi kan,, cbe tgk desktop pulak..
haha~~~ full gle,,, malas nk organize lagi..
nanti2 la dulu..

dan rase nye lah kan...
atr salah satu penyebab ke'basah'an laptop ini adalah~~~~~~~~

uh'oh~~~~ (~_~")

Sunday, October 17, 2010

i had a blast =D

1st if all,, time kasih byk2...
kt kina, ekin, kak qayyimah, alkaff, sofi, anas, izz, kak taqwa, esah, wani, mariah, zatul ngan fatin...
sumpah mlm tu mmg terkejut,,
sbb x expect,, syiok sgt maen game kot.. haha~~!!
pastu konon2 nk g tgk last song,, hihi~!!
patot la mke kina ngn izz tekejut mse tau ak nk ekot,,
x ley bla.... haha
pape pon....
tq sgt2...
pastu tq kat sume yg wish,, ikut sms, fb sume.. tq~~ =D
esp kt mak abah amri imran and kwn2 sume,,
org 1st yg wish,, cik Syahidatul Hannan.. ske la tu..
and fareez,, thx for the cute card,,
(cake histo kau tu~~ kekeke~~!! XDD)
ad seminggu call free kt 8pax,, tp mlas nk bergayut,,
malas and xske nk gayut lme2, panas telinga ni ha,,
spe2 yg nk gayut ngan kawan2 ak sile bgtau.. =P

p/s: lee donghae heppy bday too,, my 4-years-older-twin~!! ^^

Sunday, October 10, 2010


mne lagi tah nk korek..

Saturday, October 02, 2010

KOD Raya Gathering In Front The Scene =P

let the pictures speak
credit to sakinah

The crowds


best dress - bradaa~

best dress - sistaa~


speech by mr dean

speech by mr president

the lecturers~

KOD Raya Gathering Behind The Scene

24 sep 2010, jumaat, 10 pagi
herie ckp: ptg kang lepas kelas ad senior nk jmpe, nk ckp pasal jamuan raya
dlm ati: ok,, maybe 1st year nk kne buat air n buah mcm mse grand iftar dulu..

4 ptg
bro shahrul: berkenaan dgn jamuan raya 1hb nanti, dean mintak 1st year utk organize the whole event.. (repeat: WHOLE EVENT~!!)
sebulat suara 1st year: HAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (O.O)

haha!!! mula la sume kalam kabut,,
sbb bru 4 bulan jadi 1st year dah kne handle event yg grand cam tuh...
pergh~~~!!! Oh Emm Gee!!!!!!

27 sep 2010, isnin
bru start discuss camne nk handle event tuh,,
dan event bakal berlangsung 1 oktober=jumaat aka 5 hari je lagi..
dan ditakdirkan diri ni kne handle bab catering ngan budak entrep yg lain..
dan yg sesungguh nye,, catering tu lah benda yg paling amat sungguh ak xmau handle..
ye la,, makanan kot,, core utk majlis raya,,
urgh,, kalo la jd pape, silap2 x makan guests..
1st thing yg singgah kt otak ni,
sume nye, negative, negative, negative..
menu pilihan dean, nasi dagang, laksa kelantan n bubur..
tp xpe, samsul kte bro adam admin yg order kan catering,
so kte owg kne jge mse majlis tu je la..

28 sep 2010, selasa
great news~!!!!
waktu majlis ditukar dari 9-11mlm ke 5-7 ptg
bro adam x involve pon lam food ordering
kte owg yg kne handle seniri...
what?!?! gila kentang ah~~
dan, pertolongan dr bro shahrul,
makanan di order ngan makcik nor,,
finalise menu, nasi dagang, laksam, bubur pulut itam, air sunquick and cocktail..
teringin nk mkn sate,, tp mahal sgt,, so x dpt..
hazie hanun yg contact2 ngan macik tu..
thx babe~!
sunquick dan cocktail - buat seniri..

29-1 oktober 2010
cari pape yg patot,
budget, bekas air, ais, senduk, beli brg2 cocktail and sunquick dan etc, etc, etc.
dan pnye la berat brg2 yg di beli tu,,
mne x nye, susu cair 30 tin, laici 16 tin, sumi 16 bungkus,
mixed fruit 16 tin, nata de coco 10 baldi,
gula lagi 6 kg, sunquick botol besar lagi 2 botol
sudah beli terus g anto kt KOD,
naseb baik la jugak ad hafizul tlg mengangkut brg,,
xde la patah tgn budak2 pompuan ni kan..
(haha! =P over plak)

1 oktober 2010, jumaat, 11.30pg
basuh bekas2 air, masak air, buat air gula, isi air

setting mkanan and skirting (makcik nor tlg)
buat air
buat cocktail
siap2 kan plastik sampah
dan yg paling best, tibe2 ad sate.. yay!!
dan jugak cendol~
x lupa sata and kek batik from 2nd year
termasuk jugak kuey2 raya sumbangan dari semua

guests start serbu,
top up segala makanan yg patot,,
makanan yg paling hot: sate

7.00 mlm
guests pon da slow2 makan dan ad yg da beransur2
tgh2 mkn, tbe2 awan2 mendung mnyelubungi KOD
siap ngan kilat segala,,
ujan ribut nak mai..
dalam sekelip mata je,, tikar2 da siap di gulung
kerja2 mengemas jd sgt pantas..
bak kata ekin: hujan rahmat..

8.00 mlm
kemas2 meja, pinggang, mangkuk, sudu, garpu n sampah2

9.15 mlm
time for party~!!!
makan sate and sata
reserve khas utk bebudak 1st year....
penat, seronok, puas~~

special thx to geng2 catering
nazim, ekin, hazie, jijah, wan, suhaila..
x lpe gak special task, prep and tech, pub pro
last skali,, kte pnye PC, PM, APC, APM(sam, saif, kak qay, kak taq)...
seronok dpt wat kije ngan kowg sume...
the best!!!!!

ok, ok... dah2 la tu.. pnjg sgt da ak membebel nih..
time for eye-candy.. XD

simple yet cute montage

pondok aka rumah org asli in the making

mariah yg sgt pro,, mesti kak yam diye yg ajar nih..

budak kecit yg sibuk duk posing ngan buluh.. =P

tu diya~~ kecit jgn di sangka lemah.. =D

dean on the spot

our contactors,,, kelas c.. =D



the final product.. =DD

lemang yg seribu taun pon xkan masak

dan,, model2 penghias pondok... XD

budak2 poyos yg tgh sibuk berkungfu

the sittings
wpon duk atas tikar je,, tp itu lah yg mengeratkan silaturrahim atr kite.. =D

balloons on the way~

zaim,, the balloons technician..

the DJs
umi n mariah je DJ,, yg lain tukang sibuk.. =P

kak taq still smpt nk ber photogedix di situ


and more foods~~~~!! =D

posing lepas siap mengemas
fatin: "roti canai SATU~!"

the roomies~~~~ =DDDDD
i like~~~!!!!! ;-)

the blue family~~~~ =D

budak nakal on the spot.... haishh~~~!!

the after party

bro shahrul
samsul nye ucapan yg x ley bla.. =P

saif, sambil berucap sambil maen belon..

muka2 puas =D

dpt detect x 2 org budak yg x bpe sihat sikit kt tgh2 tu..? =P

muka kepenatan..

awex2 cun~!!

the orangeeees~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! =D


warne warni~~~~ =D

and lastly not to forget,, my feveret kaler,, PURPLE~~~

finally done with this post...

pics,, credit to kak qayyimah, ezatul and sakinah.. =D
SCM Music Player