sebenar-benar nye,, da penah buat da dulu macam ni,,
"Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts or goals about you. In the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tags you. If I tag you, it’s because I want to know you more."
1. a game maniac,, penah maen game, non-stop 5-6...
not 5pm-6pm,, but 5pm-6am..
p/s: solat x dilupakan ok,, jgn risau...
2. a movie and drama maniac too,,
penah abiskan semua 11 ep buzzer beat dari kol 5pm-11pm..
3. love to sing,, walaupon suara x sedap,,
tp redah je jugak.. haha~~
sori le rumet2 ku sekalian..
4. have loose mouth, kadang2,,
eh bukan kadang2,SELALU nye pape je yg terlintas dlm otak akan terkeluar direct,,
bang~!! mesti ad yg terasa... maaf,, x berniat nk sakitkan ati pon sbnonye..
maaf la pd sape2 yg penah terasa tu ek? m(_ _)m
5. lpe lak,, PURPLE maniac,, ngehehe~~~
purple + hitam = sgt cool~~~~
gothic kan? dalam almari tu semua baju warna itam purple.. hew~ hew~!
6. ad mulut yg masin jugak,,
kwn2 sekola dulu selalu marah kalo ad ckp pape yg x bpe nk elok,
sbb kdg2 bende tu akan jd realiti...
tp nk wat camne,, just lucky guesses, i guess..
7. x ske buat pilihan..
entah la,, kadang2 malas nk fikir, main redah je la jwb nye..
urmmm,, not good~ not good~
8. susah nk cam orang,, lagi2 kalo bru kenal,
dan kalo dr jauh, mmg x kan cam sape owg yg melambai or tegur tu..
senyum je la wpon xtau tu sape.. haha~~!
9. buta jalan,, ni inheret dari abah,,
susah sgt nk engat bab2 jalan ni, wpon da pegi berpuluh2 kali,
tetap lupe.. huuuuu~~
10. tgi x sampai 150cm pon,,
cbe teka berapa? hahahaha~~~!!! XD
11. ad 2 org adik lelaki kembar,
skang form 3, tgh tgu result pmr dgn santai dan senang hati nye..
12. lagi,, accesories maniac,
rings, bangles... got tons of those..
13. ok, half way to go..
now im bored already.. ~got easily bored~
14. cooking~? urmmm,, mcm2 jugak la..
dan jugak masih lagi dalam proses belajar,,
tp kire nye da bole idop la berbekalkan ilmu memasak yg ad tuh..
15. kalo dah ske pd sesuatu bende/aktiviti tu,
akan asek nk buat, atau dengar, atau makan atau pape yg sewaktu dgn nye la,
bende yg sme, hari2, tiap2 kali sepanjang msa, sampai bosan/muak..
16. boros, entah la.. rse nye mcm xde beli pape,
tp duit cepat sgt abes..
p/s: ye ke xde beli pape..? urmmm, masalah nye => i dunno~
17. i love computers and all regarding it,,
sgt teringin nk belajar hacking der~~~
cam seronok je~
18. doesnt really know to express myself,,
most time when i am angry or sad, i just remain silent,
or peretend to be happy though it's hurt inside..
19. cat maniac,, but the truth is that
now i am allergic to them,
touch them and dont wash my hand properly,,
itchiness will crawl all over esp on my face
plus non-stop sneezing..
20. i drive quite fast and a lil' bit daring,
but the truth is, i am afraid to cut the line..
whenever im on long distance journey,, i'll always pray that there'll be no lorry in front..
haha~!! chicken~ XD
21. i hate it whenever there's an annoying person around,
well, basically everybody's hate that kan,, and the truth is i am a good pretender,
still can mix around, laughing and joking all along very very cheerfully with them,
yea~ yea~ hypocrite whatsoever,,
but if not so it'll hurt them and peace will never come dude~
22. love to joke and fool around very much,
pranks are my game to my buddies,
but not that bad till the extend of worst i guess,,
i still know my limit,, but still i apologise sincerely
to those who've been hurt with my pranks and silly jokes and all the kelintong.. sorry~ m(_ _)m
23. truthfully, sorry is the hardest word,
susah nk dgr perkataan tu keluar dari mulut,,
too much for egoistic?
hmmmm, kne ubah perangai ni jugak~
24. i love meeting people,
yea, not always but often la.. seronok gak dpt borak2 sembang2 kongsi2 kan,
it is hard to initiate, but then it'll be ok in no time,
once my friend labeled me as 'universal solvent'
kan pok cek kan? adakah ak still di label begitu?
25. yatta~! da abis~~!!!
urmmmm, urmmm~~~~ hmmmm~~~
are my feveret quotes~
=> "urrmmmmm~~~"
phew~ finally~~~
siap gak~
malas nk tag sape2...
kak qay, kak taq, dah kenal Su'aidah Aisyah Binti Md. Yusoff ni dgn lebih mendalam x?
hehe~~ =D