
Friday, June 05, 2009

sarah asked me to get married,,, hoho!!!

1. How old are you?
18,,, not yet 19,,, haha!!!

2. Are you single?
yep, yep,,,

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
dunno,,,, duh~~~

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
there r too many of them,,,, perhaps,,, haha!!! LOL!!!

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
still one of them,,, there r many choices what,,, no need to worry lah,,,, =p

6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your bestman?
whoever wants to,,,, fie,,, biah,,, hannan,,, kina? umu? korg nak x???? hoho!!! mak aih!!! rmy la pulak,,, bpe kali nak kawen nih,,,,

7. Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?
both,,, hehe!!! alaaa,,, bak kte nabila,,, sekali seumur idup,,, kan? kan?

8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
south korea,,, japan,,, both perhaps??? wakaka!!!

9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
we'll see at that tyme lah yek,,, malas nak kire skarang

10. Will that include your exes?
maybe yes,,, maybe not,,, haha!!! berangan,,, exes la sgt,,,

11. How many layers of cake do you want?
5-presenting 5 members of dbsk as well as big bang and also arashi, or more,,, 13-suju??? wah3!!!

12. When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
midnight boley???

13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
big bang's!!! haha!!! let's dance!!! huk! huk! huk!

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
chopstick la,,,,

15.Champagne of red wine?
air ribena sudahhhh~~

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
urmmmm,,, before lah.,,, hahahaah!!!! ngok!!!

17. Money or household items?
yes,,, both!!!! of course!!!

18. How many kids would you like to have?
berserah kepada rezeki yg ALLAH nak bagi,,, aceycey,,, poyo seyh!!!!

19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
boley gak,,, pastu include kan lam bonus track dbsk, suju, big bang and arashi,,, mwahhaa!!! siot r aku ni,,, erk!!!

20. I want to know their wedding plans
spe2 aje yg nak kongsi,,, dipersilakan lah,,,,

orait,,,, time to sleep,,,,,
tdo ketat~~~!!!!


ummu said...

i have no wedding plans in mind yet..not interested..hahaha
ask heechul???...:)

kina ;) said...

i can't decide between two LOL.XD

kina ;) said...

6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your bestman?
whoever wants to,,,, fie,,, biah,,, hannan,,, kina? umu? korg nak x???? hoho!!! mak aih!!! rmy la pulak,,, bpe kali nak kawen nih,,,,

-NAK! NAK! nanti tema dia Arashi+DBSK+Big Bang=Donghae Suju..muahahahahaha!!!XD

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
urmmmm,,, before lah.,,, hahahaah!!!! ngok!!!

-woooooowww!!aku kagum..nak join??muahahahahaha!!*ngok gak*

19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
boley gak,,, pastu include kan lam bonus track dbsk, suju, big bang and arashi,,, mwahhaa!!! siot r aku ni,,, erk!!!

-errr..T______T, x jadi aku nak beli DVD or CD Arashi, DBSK and Suju..:P

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