
Friday, January 29, 2010

messed up

i am very unstable recently,
there is always something that seems wrong to me
the thoughts come frequently...
this thing is blablabla
that thing is blablabala
they blablabla
she blablabla
he blablabla
and especially,, me blablabla
not that other things/people are wrong
it's just actually me, i know..

maybe all of this iniatiated when that thing happened
i really2 dont expect it to happen...
hell i hate it when it happened!!!
it almost happen several times b4
but i've manage to avoid by getting rid of it
shooing it all faraway so that no one would never ever know,
emptying the hatefulness
bad thoughts and sayings
yet, there are some leftovers left,
that's what make me feel so stupid,
i should have purify it all 100% without any dirts,
but i dont.....

now that it had happened
i cant get rid of it from my mind
it's the thing that i really want to forget,,
coz it hurt me so much
that i everyday i will think of it
and being hurt everytime
i just can hold back everytime it came
alone without no one else need to know
forcing my eyes to shut
everytime it came when i was about to sleep
always put me in blame and guilt
shame and feeling like a fool

why am i so careless?
just like a fool
to let it to happen while i can actually avoid it again
i have seen it coming,
but i just let it still right there..
believing that it would've never been broken...
but hey, isnt it too obvious?
and bang!
it exploded with just one shot..
and i hate that really,
i really am!

i dont let other people see this side of me
i smile, talk, laugh jokingly
but there are times when it's bleeding inside...
i have never cried in front of others,
or voice out my real probs to them,
coz i dunno how to and i dont want to..
but honestly, this sem is the one among the times i've been here..
the one when i shed tears the most without anyone knows.

how could have it happened?
yes, every cloud has a silver lining
it's very true
and i've found and see it
but still...... it hurts
coz i have not make my heart as sincere as it should
i should purify my heart
and seek for forgiveness
it's the best thing i should do..


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