how to have beautiful teeth???
do u know?
well i have some tips from home...
but they give no effect to adult
cos my tips are for parents to help their child..
well,, all of us going to be parents some day ryte?
so bear these in mind...
(chewah2~ mentang2 la...! ceh! =P)
reminder: these steps must be started since baby!
1. always give babies water other than milk...
owg tua2 pgil air putih, owg muda2 pgil air masak.
this can help to clean the babies gums and protect them from milk plaque
yes, even if they still dont have a single tooth..
it's a must..!! even if they resist..
2. BRUSH babies gum with soft cloth,,
or a more appropriate word - RUB..
it has to be more intensive when their teeth have grown
now use babies' toothbrush..
yes, some babies dislike this,
but just force them to!
u r a parent ayte?
3. dont encourage ur child to suck errrrr 'puting'
i seriously cant remember the word
it's a very familiar word kan??
sorry, cant do remember..
back to the topic,
yep, 'puting' yg baby suke 'nyonyot' tu...
not good, cos it can lead to 'jongang'
i do not refer to the natural ones, ok..
dont let them suck frequently..
4. when their teeth have full grown,
and then the time for them to fall would arrived..
when the teeth start to 'goyang2'
go to dentist and pull them out..
or, u can just do it urself
dont wait till new tooth to grow..
it'd cos the teeth to be misaligned.. berlapis-lapis nti..
5. dont teach the kids to eat sweets, chocs and junks..
dont buy those for them..
well they can eat, but sometimes, notes SOMETIMES
dont make it as their favorite and habits..
they're bad for kid's teeth..
hmmmmm... alright those are for babies and kids
a kickstart for ur children's teeth to be pretty..
tips for adults,
hey, u should know it urself..! kan?
credit for the tips : Mr. Md Yusoff B Abd Majid & Mrs. Khatijah Mohd
thx for what both of u done for our teeth, mak, abah...
luv ya~!
mothers-to-be, fathers-to-be, good luck!
have fun trying LATER... haha!! =D
and sorry for some uncomfortable words.. *wink2!*
'puting' = pacifier kan?
'nyotnyot' reminds me of someone..hahaha! lol
okay back to the track..
nice tips from the a going-to-be-dentsit XD
tapi, klu org yg mulutnya sedia kecik mcm aku, memang x muat gigi semua, camne? heee~ >.>
haaaaa!!! that's it!!!
lpe daaaa....!! =P
utk mslh kau...
pakai braces... haha!
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