i've been craving to edit pictures using photoshop since early this year
when i see others' works,,
i envy them..
it seem like a satisfaction when they made the signatures,
icons and banners by their own efforts
and hell i want to try it too!!!
taken the opportunity given during this holiday period
i made one with not much effort
though it kind of annoyed me sometimes
(well, im not a patient person..)
well,this is it
my first created signature
which i use as my signature in SHINee World Malaysia Forum
hmmmm,, somehow it doesn't seem original
like i've seen this somewhere
like someone have made something like this before
sorry if this actually hurt anybody.. =(
but this is my first hand effort
and i dont want to waste it...
i'll try harder then.. =)
and thx to youtube as my greatest teacher..
to those who made some awesome tutorial videos,,, thx dude!!!
Okay la tu untuk 1st outcome. XD Better than mine. :)
Kat LJ pun ade banyak tutorial utk design banner, icon etc.
kalau nak letak text, picnik.com ade byk choice+cun! *rasanye kau dh tau kot* :D
truskan usaha..pasni buat banner utk aku plak.. haha! XD
picnik.com?? ak x tau la,, ni bru tau.. tq2~!
ak usha brushking.eu je duk cari brush yg mcm2..
ak malas nk "BACA" tutorial..
i prefer to watch and listen..
hahaha!!! XD
btw,,, thx beri mch~~!!! =D
p/s: banner utk kau,, ko buat seniri la... =P
Baru prasan..ala2 mcm joey swm punya banner ek? =D
Wahh! Kat situ lawa brush, textures. XD siap ade tutorial lagi..jgn malas2 nak "BACA"! Hahaha!
haaaa! lagi satu kat refont.com pun ade text2 gak kalau malas nak bukak picnik.com yg lembab nak bukak tu. haha!
p/s: alaa~
buat la banner tuk aku *puppy eyes* :P
sbb tu ak ckp cam x ori,,,
buat2 terjadi camtu plak.. haha!!
i like, i like the refont.com.. XDDDDD
very much~~~!!! tq hunn~~! =D
i only accept puppy eyes only from jjong.. haha!!
banner pe ko nak..?
welcome babehh~~ =P
mesti la nak ONEW!!! XDDD
tapi kau letak onew kat swm..
nak Jonghyun ar!! HAHAHA!!
urmmmm.. (~_~)
nti la ak buat..
but i cant guaranty the outcome..
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