
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

kina, me too.. LOL!

Your rainbow is shaded violet and black.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate mystery. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it. You may meet people who are afraid of you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

supernatural season finale

oh yes,, just finished watching 'em just now,,
not really though,,
i skipped ep 19, 20, and 21 cos i havent finish downloading 'em yet..

i've been a fan of supernatural starting from the 1st season,
since we dont have ASTRO in our house,
so, TV3 introduced it to me...

reason for loving it?
simple,, Dean Winchester.. LOL!

ok, regarding the storyline,,
yeah it was ok for the earlier seasons,,
season 1 : checked
season 2 : checked
season 3 : checked
season 4 : KIV
season 5 : what the tuuuuuut!
first, the story is basically bout ghosts, witches, wraith,
boogieman, demons and so on so whatever..
but then, starting from season4 it's getting more ridiculous
yeah, yeah, it is ridiculous from the very beginning
but still it's bout ghost hunting...
now, it's commonly bout angels, fallen angels and errrr their god
lucifer, michael, uriel, castiel, joshua, gabriel and so whoever they are
angels fighting, rebelling, breaking orders
their god ran away from heaven
and died??? pft~!!!
see what i mean? totally insane..
and i lost count on how many times dean and sam dead
ten? twenty? thirty? hundred? more?

ok, enough with the complaints
the ending is a happy ending for the world
a happy ending for castiel and bobby
but for sam and dean, not so happy but still it's okay..
so, i consider it as a happy-ending-story-but-not-very
but then, i think it's the best ending they could create
i mean what else could be the ending so that the series would "end" properly..
after much ridiculous and insane storyline
till that they cant go any more ridiculous than this
till that they cant cross the boarder of human's insanity line
till that they cant create any more acceptable storyline
hmmmm... i guess, so that's it..
no more dean winchester
no more sam winchester
no more gunshots, stabbings
no more salts, holy this, holy that
and no more sons of bitches
much for world peace?

episode 16
my most favorite line this season
sam : "are u allright?"
dean: "define allright" *smirk*

most importantly
i'm finally free from the-killing-me-english-series
would miss dean winchester for sure.. =P

Sunday, June 20, 2010

im not ready.. yet..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Su'aiology? Suology? Ysffology? Onyxology?

ROFL!!! the title!!!
i cant choose, so that's why i put all of them..

THE RULES: Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to wipe out my answers and supply your own. After, choose some people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Tag a bunch of people.

Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology".


1. What is your salad dressing of choice?
errr,, Mayo Gown..

2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
warung and restoran kat tepi2 jalan

3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
White rice of course, i can eat those 365 days per year.. haha!

4. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
chicken~! cheese~! mushroom~! YUMMY~!

5. What do you like to put on your toast?
sedap dimakan begitu sje..


1. How many televisions are there in your house?
3 and only 1 functioning.. =P

2. The color of your cell phone?
purple of course,, what else.. ble Colby nak kluar kan wane purple~?? =(

3. How long would it take you to look up who invented the Rubber Band?
i dont have time for that.. shish~!

4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has?


1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
right, and so?

2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
hair, dead cell skin, teeth, nail.. (nani kore?)

3. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
my TOPpu... ^^

4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?


1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
it would never be posibble lor

2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Su'aidah Aisyah

3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
sure i would~~~!!! ($____$)


1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
20 years ago

3. Last person you talked to??
my bro

4. Last person you hugged?
uri eomma


1. Season?
like i know how other seasons really like.. ouh~ perhaps autumn

2. Holiday? Beach or Island?
island!!!! ^^

3. Day of the week?

4. Month?
with lots of holiday in it


1. Missing someone?
yea but i dunno who.. hua3~!

2. Mood?
quite good that i decided to make this stup errr this thing..

3. What are you listening to?
song, u're beautiful ost

4. Watching?
this white sheet of new post laaaa~~


1. First place you went this morning?
my dad's school on 2.30 am.. errrr?

2. What's the last movie you saw?
movie???? errrrrrr,, cant remember.. crow zero 2? but i only was only browsing it.. =P

3. Do you smile often?
depend~ (^___________^)


1. Do you always answer your phone?
ape gne nye talipon tu kalo x diangkat..

2. It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Siti Sakinah Binti Noraladin.. hahhaha!!! XD

3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?

4. Do you own a digital camera?
no, malas la nk menjage nye.. i hate commitment.. loL!

5. Have you ever had a pet fish?
yes,, tpi diye melompat dari akuarim, pastu x berani k angkat beliau smle, so Innalillah....... sorry fish~~~ huhu!!! well it's a big one..

6. Favorite Christmas song(s):
marry had a lil' lamb..

7. What's on your wish list for your birthday?

8. Can you do push ups?
da lme x buat since last plkn.. so ta taow la..

9. Can you do a chin up?
whadda? yes i can hold my chin up.. XD

10. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
errr,, whatever.. nervous kot..

11. Do you have any saved texts?
yes and so?

12. Ever been in a car wreck?
not very serious,, last time i break the side mirror os my father's car

13. Do you have an accent?
yes,, kalu cakap nge owg ganu tubik la ganu nye.. kalo cakap biase2 kluar slang muO (muar).. penah gak la owg kate ak ni ckp pelik.. errr,, kina, nbla, ain, anis,, even my mother who is not johorian but trganuian.. ummu je yg memahami ssb diye owg melaka.. haha!

14. What is the last song which made you cry?
ad ke? xde kot? entah?

15. What are your plans for tonight?
ngadap laptop le ape lagi..

16. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
yes, i am human

17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday:
roti canai, fishes for my cat, petrol

18. Have you ever been given roses?

19. Current worry?
sakit pinggang!!! aduh!!!

20. Current hate right now
this entry.. haha!!!

21. Met someone who changed your life?
everyone i met

22. How will you bring in the New Year?
happy new year~~~~!!!!!!

23. What song represents you?
HUH - 4minute,, lost - 2am.. haha!! dunno

24. Name three people who might complete this?
kina, farezz, hannan

25. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
please create the time machine first

26. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
my mother and father.. haha!

27. Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
ears not tattoo, tindik ad la

28. Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
friendship,, yes!

29. Does anyone love you?
ask them, dont ask me..

30. Ever had someone sing to you?
nbla,, i miss your singings

31. When did you last cry?
entah! entah! entah!!!

32. Do you like to cuddle?
yes,, my bantal peluk~!

33. Have you held hands with anyone today?
my greeny MOUSE

34. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
westlife, blue, bsb, linkin park

35. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
yes, they are OLD... OLD.. obasan~~~~

36. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
yes and again,,, so???

aaaaa~~~ finished ady... yay~~~!!
kina, fareez, hannan... sila la buat ye =P

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

proceeding from my 1st one..

oops~~~!!! i made extra key,,,
where's another jjong?? huhu!! LOL!! XD

Sunday, June 06, 2010

my 1st trial =D

i've been craving to edit pictures using photoshop since early this year
when i see others' works,,
i envy them..
it seem like a satisfaction when they made the signatures,
icons and banners by their own efforts
and hell i want to try it too!!!
taken the opportunity given during this holiday period
i made one with not much effort
though it kind of annoyed me sometimes
(well, im not a patient person..)
well,this is it
my first created signature
which i use as my signature in SHINee World Malaysia Forum
hmmmm,, somehow it doesn't seem original
like i've seen this somewhere
like someone have made something like this before
sorry if this actually hurt anybody.. =(
but this is my first hand effort
and i dont want to waste it...
i'll try harder then.. =)
thx to kina as my kick-starter
thx to my cousin as my basic tutor
and thx to youtube as my greatest teacher..
to those who made some awesome tutorial videos,,, thx dude!!!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

al-kisahnye genting

memang da agak lme gak la plan nk g genting
mle2 nk g ngan rumet2, ain, nbla, anis
tp x jadik sbb h1n1
pastu engt nk g ngan classmates, kina, ummu, nikmah
tp x jd jugak atas sbb2 tertentu
yang merealisasikan ketidakpergian kami
last2,, bru la jadik plan nye
bersame dgn schoolmates, biah and hannan
plan nye mmg la lme bezaman dah,,
tapi betol2 konfem nye, ari slase and nk pegi jugak mgu tu
so beli la tiket dr ganu ari kames malam
haha!!! mmg kelam kabut gle r planning.. kui3!!

then, jumaat engt nk g la jugak usha2 tiket kt kl sentral
tp dgn yakin nye meramalkan mmg ad tiket so x pegi kl sent,
lagi satu, jumaat bru nk usha2 tmpt utk stay
nk carik yg paling murah sbb
bajet duit da berkurang kerana penangguhan yg terlalu lme
nk g ari sabtu, jumaat bru nk usha bilik, pehal?
mne la nk ade sayang oi.. haha!
dgn gagah dan berani nye kol seri malaysia,
"harge bilik yg pling murah brape ye?"
receptionist tu cakap "bilik utk esok da penoh"
wakakaka!!! da la tnye bilik yg paling murah,
nk tempah utk ari esok nye plak tu,
da la sabtu.. haha! SABTU..
ape daaa...
slack #1 planning bilik... FAIL!!!!

sabtu, pegi la ke tiket booth kl sentral
dgn yakin nye nk beli tiket kol 10 pagi...
tup2,, "dik, ari ni bas jalan kol 3.30 je dik,
sbb ari ni ari sabtu, x rmy owg naek bas,
dowg da plan awl dari semalam nk stay,
so ari ni tiket bas kol 3.30 je ad"
errrr,, ape kah naseb badan...
nk wat camne,, pegi la jugak
naik teksi... adoyai~~
slack #2 bayar lebih utk pengangkutan

otw naik ke genting,
cuaca cam ujan rintik2
dgn harapan kt atas sne x ujan..
tapi harapan tgal harapan
smpy je kt atas, ujan x dpt nk elak
sambil2 tgu cable car, beratur sambil mengharap
pastu jmpe satu group korean tourists
ad la satu baby ni,, comel!! mke cam wooyoung!! haha!
lepas beratur and sepanjang naik cable car tu
kabus memutih je mcm duduk kt fairyland
slack #3 cuaca...

disebabkan cuaca, beli la kami tiket utk indoor,
sbb byk attractions kt outdoor tutup
main la jugak kat lam indoor tu kejap,
lepas main, tbe2 cuaca cerah,
ape lagi lepas wat mesyuarat kumpulan
pegi beli tiket tuk outdoor plak
engt kan kne byr lbey tiket sbb beli asing2
tapi,, bley top up je tiket indoor to allpark
so x de la byr lbey sgt
happy #1 topup tiket yg agak berbaloi
tapi kan, kalo dtg naek bas dpt pakej tiket masuk sekali
so sbeno nye cam lg ok kalo bas tu ad
nak, tak nak
slack #4 tiket la jugak sikit2

1st ride yg kte owg naek Pirate Ship,,
ala yg kapal swing ke kiri kanan kiri kanan tu
nmpk cam "elley, ni budak2 pnye je"
so, naik la.. da la challege duduk belakang skali
tp di sebabkan da ad 1 family da duduk dlu
so duduk la 2 dr blakang
mle2 ok je, slow and steady
ble diye da naik tgi tu,
kecut jugak perut,, pergh~
da la campur dgn nk tergelak dgn owg2 len pnye lagak and ragam
lawak gle~~
saket perot kecut and gelak
happy #2 Pirate Ship~!!

pastu,, da x engt la urutan bende2 yg kte owg naek
so cerita berikut nye mengikut urutan suke hati..
lepas naek pirate ship
naik la plak Flying Coaster
dulu mse g ngan mak abah x naik sbb kne byo
kali ni nak naik jugak~
boley kate naik flying coaster tu dlm keadaan yg meniarap sbeno nye
ble diye start je meniarap kan kte owg
masing2 da cuak dah, haha!!
mle2 slow je, pasti diye pnye twist
tunggang terbalik, atas bawah, pusing2
rse cam nk tercabut je pinggang.. hehe!!
gerun,, tp seronok!!!
ble turun tu, mke sorg2 sume berseri-seri
senyum smpy ke telinga!
happy #3 Flying Coaster

lagi satu yg kte owg naik, Space Shot
cabar diri seniri tuk naik benda alah tu
tgi wooo~~~ mmg pucat la mke sowg mse tgu giliran tu
mse duduk kt bwh, nmpk cam mende tu naik cam slow je,,
tp ble seniri yg rase,, mase diye naik memuncak tu
laju rupe2nye! haha!!! smpy kat atas tu,
sume da menjerit,
mak~! mami~! eomma~!! whadda eomma? haha!!
ble diye start turun je,,,
adoyai~~~!! nk tercabot sato badan!
mmg gle r rse cam terangkat
siryes badan terapung mse dye turun tu,,
x tau la cane yonghwa cn blue bley lambai2
mse diye naik mende alah ni lam We Got Married
gile r hebat..
pergh!! that was the scariest moment i experienced in my life!!
truthfully, mcm2 gak r pikir mse tu,
cane kalo tali pinggang tu tercabut?
cane kalo jatuh dri kusi ni?
haha! =P
ble bende tu da berenti, sume melompat turun
smpy cramp kaki.. wakakaka!!!
happy #4 Space Shot

lagi ride yg sempat naik, Corkscrew
mmg screw abes r..
menjerit smpy x keluar suara
tp mmg best,, rail diye pusing2, twist2
mantap ah!
happy #5 Corkscrew

pastu, ad la lagi mende2 laen kte owg naik
tp nk cte pasal 4 rides ni je, dah lah..
kalo x nti x abes plak entry ni.. haha!!

ad beberapa rides yg nk naik tp tak ternaik,, haha!!
satu, sbb rse x secure
dua, sbb takot basah
tiga, sbb x cukup tgi (haha! go kart.. =P)
empat, sbb tutup
lima, sbb x sempat
xpe la,, lenkali kalo nk dtg kne stay bru dpt men gle puas2 pnye

abes maen tu bwu kte owg makan
sbb nk makan mse tgh maen sayang kan mse
mse itu emas dude~! XD
makan roti kosong pon terasa nikmat gle2
rse cam lemak berkrim je roti tu
bru la paham slogan diye "enak dimakan begitu shje"
kui3!! maybe sbb penat and lapo pnye pasal
mse nk tgu bas tu, kte owg makan megi cup
ye la megi je,,, duit ke catu.. haha!!
tu pon naseb baik da beli dulu sblm naik
kalo beli kt atas arge 3 kali gande.. huish!!
slurp~! slurp~! slurp~!
happy #6 makan2 wpon roti and megi =)

naik nas dr genting kol 8.30 ke bukit jalil
dlm bas tu ad seat-belt, maybe sbb jln kt genting tu bhye
so baik la kalo pky kan..
dan pnye la hebat otak manusia bekerja
smpy kan mse tdo lam bas tu pon trase cam naik roller coaster
like siryesly!!! tiga-tiga pon ckp camtu.. haha!!! =D

and that ends our journey to genting
wpon planning x perfect and byk yg x kene
wpon rse cam owg bodo sbb terpakse spend lbey dr yg sepatot nye
wpon penat and sakit kaki
tapi trip ni mmg gle best!!!!
x dpt dilupe kan
dgn di temani 2 owg yg x bape nk betol jugak perangai
siryes mmg gle enjoy.. yay~!! high 5~!!
thx guys~~!!
lenkali pegi lagi??
pulau ke,, oversea ke..
errrrr,, korea jom???
haha!!!! =D

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