
Thursday, March 04, 2010


tagged by kina
since i couldnt sleep last night
i end up doing this...

1. Write down 25 things about you that you don't think most of your flist knows.
2.Even if they are weird, post them.
3.Tag 3 people to do the same

ok, let's see what can i share..

1. i dont really has any favourite subjects
either languages, math, chemistry, biology, physics or any other
i dont either like them or dislike them
it's just natural...
but then i think i have a lil bit of dislike towards physiscs
i should change this feeling
or else i'll be in big trouble if i want to pursue in dentistry

2. a very lazy human beings
can end up doing nothing for the whole day
maybe for the next day too
huhu!!! what a lazy bum

3. love entertainment so much
this is really not a good gateaway for my future
should change the-so-much-loving-on-entertainment attitude
too much entertainment is bad,,, really baaaad...!!

4. dont like to share my sad feelings with others
whether the reasons, the problems or the feeling itself
i just let it be between me and myself
then i would press the 'self-destruction' button when it's unbearable
alone without anyone need to know or even realize

5. have secret thoughts about other people
when i look at other people
my mind would analyse them
and i would keep it again btwn me and myself
so that i can take note whenever i interact with them

6. love observing people so much
their faces, their attitudes, their lifestyle, their ways
it's just so interesting to not just look at but to observe them
maybe that's why i have secret thoughts.. LOL!

7. tend to remember what others say
but then the problem comes when
the other people doesnt really remember what they have said
or whether they have really actually told me bout that thing

8. but when i didnt remember bout something
i would tend to forget the whole thing, the whole occurence
so it's more like there are two sides of me
one who can remember all sorts of sayings and happenings
and one who really cant remember about anythings
it really takes time for me to remember back

9. cant recognize people easily
it's more like i cant recognize them right away
even they are of my friends
i always have some sort of problem to recognize others
people often says i am self-centered due to this matter

10. tend to hear about other people sayings
accidentally not intentionally
not that i want to eavesdrop bout others' matters
but i just happen to hear them
sorry people...
even when i am about to sleep
or in the state of btwn reality and dreamland
i still can hear what my roomates are talking about

11. having some sort of trouble to sleep
it takes me a long time for me to sleep
it can take me up to an extent of 2hours
before i can really sleep soundly
so a 20-or-30-minutes-nap are really meaningless for me
cos during that period i can say that i only shut my eyes not my mind

12. despite of difficulty to sleep, i can easily wake up
would've already in the state of consciousness
when the alarm song has just started playing
or when other people calls or texts me
even the phone is in the silent mode
the sound of the phone's vibration is enough to wake me up
or when i suddenly hear others talk or laugh

13. like accesories so much
bangles, rings, bags
oh, my favourite!!!!!
i have lots of them
but doesnt really have lots of clothes or trousers
just accesories... hehe!!

14. and really,,, i only have several casual clothes
that's what i wear round and round
again and again all over
whether in college or at home

15. tend to break my things easily
my thingies are always broken down
handphones. laptop, mp3 ect. ect.
hmmm... i dont know...
i am too harsh, too rough..

16. tend to drop my things easily too
huhu!!!! perhaps i have a slippery hands
and that's one of the reasons why my things are always broken

17. have a mouth that is too loose
tend to say what my mind is thinking
without a further thought
always hurt others with my loose mouth
apologizing to all people who has been hurt
mak, abah, anis, nbla, ain, ummu, kina, hannan, biah, fie
and soooo many other people...
i am so so so sorry....

18. have no own thought
can easily change from A to Z when the situation is unfavorable
but it is often that i just follow with the flow without further argue
macam lalang ditiup angin la senang cerita

19. dont really a have a fixed ambition since i was a kid
once i want to be a teacher, chef, astronomer,
astrologist, cartoonist, lecturer, inventor,
doctor, dentist, architect, engineer, newscaster,
musician, make-up artist, hair stylist and ect.
see,,, i have so many ambitions when i was young
that's why i am always in dilemma in my real life...
this is the result of watching too much tv...

20. i have a 15-years-old twins brother
who always gang up to tease me
always bugging me and arguing with me
but at this rate,, i feel sorry for them
bcos they cant play or watch anything from my laptop
as they are going to sit for PMR this year
well my mom said NO cos once they start to play they just cant stop
i have gone through that too so i know
but then it's merely for their own good
though we'll be a bit rebellious
but once we grow up it is understandable

21. my hands are always very 'itchy'
when im not holding anything
they would touch, rub and scratch here and there
when i am holding a pen it would keep doodling
or when there is no paper i would spin it in btwn my fingers
there would always ink left on my palm
whenever i used pen, marker, or highlighter
when i am holding papers, straw, plastics
they would ended up being folded or even tore off
well my hands just cant stay still, maybe i should tie them

22. i can act silly dilly spontaneously when i interact
but when they ask me to do that again, i cant
i just cant do it when they are actually watching carefully
haha!!! when they miss my act there's no repetition
it just can happen spontaneously and not accordingly

23. i cant differentiate people
or remember their face with just several meeting
i have to observe them very well in a short distance
then only i can remember them properly
or whenever there are new fandoms
it always takes me time to differentiate btwn the members

24. i often dream about
occurences that are currently happening to me
when my class is cancelled i dremt of it
during examination i tend to dream i am answering the questions
when i like something, they/it would appear
same goes when someone told me about something
they just keep coming even i am not thinking hard bout them

25. intuitions are part of my life
i like to guess bout something before they actually happen
when i just say bout something jokingly it would sometimes happen
like hankyung and jaebeom cases
when a thought comes up bout some happenings it would suddenly happen
like the broken down bus incident recently
well they are all just coincidents...
macam org melayu selalu kata 'mulut masin' macam tu la

WALA!!! it's finally done...

and 3 people to be tagged???
anis, ummu, sarah
yet i didnt think they would do this..
see ya...


kina ;) said...

No.9 and no.23 not the same eh? XD
Awesome, you did this tagged!
Loose mouth. Apologize accepted. Muahahaha!
Ohhh..kau mimpi after benda tu terjadi ek?
Klu kau mimpi before the things happened lagi best..mimpi soalan exam ape yg keluar.. XD

Kau buat tag ni masa aku mesej malam tu ek?
Agak2nya aku terjaga sbb aku tau kau tgh baca entry aku? :P

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