
Monday, August 30, 2010

my formula of coffee

3 sachets of indocafe (as i prefer indocafe than nescafe)
500ml of cold water
mix those two in a bottle
and shake them well..
shake~ shake~ shake~~~

yet using this formula,,,,
the most hour i can stand with my eyes open,, is 3am.. haha!!!
3am~ 3sachets + another 1 sachet..
and i can still sleep soundly afterwards...
duh~~~!!!!! (~_~)

then i stopped drinking coffee to stay the night up,
cos they are sort of nightmare for me for the whole 2nd sem of 2nd year in cfs..
only drink some for morning classes of UNGS,,
so it's like i stayed away from them or kind of reduced my caffeine intake for this period of time,
and i didnt even brought instant coffee with me,, for my 1st block of 1st year of kuantan campus..

but now im holding a plastic of iced-coffee i bought from cafe,,
for the sake of my revision tonight,
almost finished them and yet im still sleepy (as i think i still can directly go to bed at this very meantime)..

uh'oh,, my tolerance with caffeine is bringing me nowhere at this rate..
okay,,, off to the desk please~~~~~~!!


Mohd Herie Dahlan said...

Salam... huh, seems like we have a common... hahaha... currently using 3 packets of nescafe kaler hijau untuk satu cawan mug... and i can stay up for the whole night (but i always sleep in class la, hahaha) but, tak leh amalkan selalu, bleh memudaratkan... huh, anyway, good luck exam... :-)

Su'ai Ysff (onyx_myc1510) said...

salam,, i think we need a powerful energy booster lah,,
ad ecstacy x?? kalo ad nk sikit,, haha!! =PP

gudluck to u too!!!
cuak gle~~~~ huhu!!!
rase cam nk muntah darah pon ad.. D=

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