
Sunday, July 31, 2011

uh~~~! i'm so sorry guys~!! (TT^TT)

i think i hurt a friend's heart..
two friends' hearts actually..

ummu, ko marah eh, sbb ak x ajak p kl..?
huhu~~!! sori...!! ak minta maaf byk2...
i won't search for excuses just that i wanna say that i am so sorry.. T^T

kina, ko bengang kt ak kan?
ak nk minta maaf byk2 kt ko sbb buat ko terasa segala..
sometimes my jokes can be overboard, can be just too much,
i'm so sorry for my insensitivity.. T^T

ak mintak maaf byk99999x sbb buat korg terasa..

p/s: i should directly say this to them, but i got no guts.. (fml for being a chicken.. fuuu~ -.-)


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